Airplanes are considered to be the safest means of transport - the requirements for approval are high and mistakes are inexcusable. Our contribution to safe flying: every new component or even complete system must undergo accredited tests before approval - in our EMC and environmental laboratories. We offer e.g. HIRF test (High Intensity Radiated Fields), EMP test (Electro-Magnetic Pulse), HERF test (High Electric Radiated Fields), LEMP test (Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse), NEMP test (Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse) and many more, just aks us.
In our ISO 17025 accredited EMC laboratory and accredited environmental simulation laboratory, we carry out EMC testing and environmental simulation testing for aviation and aerospace according to relevant standards such as RTCA/DO-160, MIL, DEF and many more.
In addition to EMC tests and environmental simulation tests, tests of direct and indirect lightning strikes play an important role in aerospace. Get an overview of the necessary tests according to special standards in the area of lightning strikes: EMCC DR RAŠEK lightning strike test
There are numerous absorber rooms available in our EMC laboratory for EMC tests on components. Smaller aircraft can be tested in our large absorber hall or on our open aera test site for up to 300 m measuring distance. We would also be pleased to perform EMC measurements on your aircraft, helicopter, drones, etc. on-site at your premises, worldwide - EMCC on-site testing, worldwide.
The following infrastructure is available for environmental simulation tests on your aerospace product:
Get an overview here of our accredited tests in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), radio applications, safety of electrical equipment and environmental tests