Information on Accreditation for Clients

EMCCons DR. RAŠEK laboratories are accredited according to the recognised International Standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. This accreditation verifies technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory's quality management system (refer to the Joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated April 2017).

Please send an E-Mail to if you need test according to not listed standards.


Accreditation certificate DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, D-PL-12067-01-00
Certificate Scope                                     

Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC) of Active Medical Devices – partial accreditation certificate D-PL-12067-01-01
Certificate Scope                                     

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Wireless Application, Safety of Electrical Appliances and Environmental Testing – partial accreditation certificate D-PL-12067-01-02
Certificate Scope                                     

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Tests of Systems, Components and Separate Technical Units for Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Trailers  partial accreditation certificate D-PL-12067-01-05
Certificate Scope                                     

Standards in the flexible scope of accreditation

List of Test Scopes for Environmental Simulation

Calibrations / Calibration Laboratory – accreditation certificate DAkkS D-K-12067-01-00
Certificate Scope                                     


Electrical Testing / Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests – accreditation certificate Cert. No. 2032.01
Certificate Scope