Our highly qualified specialists from EMCCons DR. RAŠEK offer you practice-oriented emc seminars for professionals at the highest level for your personal EMC and environmental simulation (ENV) training.
We apply the latest international standards and specifications, use the most modern measuring instruments and are familiar with the latest developments in all high-tech industries. Our unique skillset gives us everything we need to create targeted training programs of the highest quality.
EMC and ENV Seminar participants watch demonstrations and solve problems in practice. Tours through our diverse facilities - such as the open-field test site, GTEM cells, reverberation chambers, various shielded rooms, environmental simulation laboratory and high-voltage laboratory with lightning tests - are a central part of the seminar program. EMC Seminars conclude with Q&A sessions
Our portfolio includes emc basic training, environmental simulation training, industry-specific emc seminars and advanced training tailored to your needs. If desired, courses for 5 to 15 participants can be held on site at the customer's location.
Current information about the seminars in spring 2025
Maximum number of participants: 15
Seminar Program and Registration Form Environmental Testing for Aircraft and Military Equipment, Seminar in May 2025 - 2 days
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