EMCC is a calibration service provider accredited by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and offers calibrations in the fields of electrical, thermodynamic, high-frequency and mechanical measurands. We calibrate your measuring equipment and devices regardless of the manufacturer.
Thanks to our decades of experience as a test laboratory in the fields of EMC, environmental simulation and electrical safety, we exactly know your needs and take your individual requirements into account.
DAkkS has the legal mandate to execute accreditation of conformity assessment bodies. DAkkS calibrations are the highest standard amoung the national standards. Measurement uncertainties are precisely calculated and assigned to each measurement result. Traceable calibration is thus guaranteed. Standard ISO 17025 will be applied.
Your measuring equipment is in safe hands with us. Our qualified specialists ensure a smooth processing of your order. The quality of your calibration is our first priority.
Consistently high quality of your measuring equipment is essential for your success. To ensure accurate performance of your measuring devices, we calibrate them to the highest standards.
In our DAkkS accredited laboratory we are specialized in the calibration of:
We calibrate according to your needs and requirements using various methods:
When calibrating, the measured values of a measuring device are compared with the values of a more accurate measurement standard. The aim is to detect and record deviations.
Inscpection of test equipment is an essential part of quality assurance, which ensures that all test equipment in use measures correctly. Consequently all test equipment must be calibrated at regular intervals and traced back to national standards.