The term HERO is used to describe the general effects and hazards of electromagnetic radiation on ammunition. Ammunition includes explosive, chemical or pyrotechnic devices used in bombs, missiles and other weapons installed in or transported by air, sea, space or ground systems.
These hazards arise as the result of absorption of electromagnetic (EM) energy by the firing circuitry of electrically initiated devices (EIDs) when the ammunitions systems are exposed to RF electromagnetic environment. If a sufficient amount of energy is absorbed, the ordnance EIDs may be accidentally initiated or their performance degraded, which affects safety and reliability and the consequences of HERO can be catastrophic.
MIL-STD-464 in association with the tests defined in MIL-HDBK-240
NATO AECTP-250 and ACTP-500
The requirements given in these documents are intended to ensure that ammunition and associated equipment operate safely and reliably in military environments. The tests cover all phases of a system's life cycle, including storage, transport, maintenance and operation.
We in EMCCons DR. RAŠEK test laboratory can perform HERO tests in our state-of-the-art laboratories, where the firing circuits of EIDs are exposed to high intensity electromagnetic fields. The responses of tested devices are monitored using specialised fibre-optic sensors in order to verify that they remain within acceptable safety and reliability limits.
Contact us to find out how can we support you to show that your EID design provides sufficient protection from the RF electromagnetic environment and thus meets HERO requirements!
Get an overview here of our accredited tests in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), radio applications, safety of electrical equipment and environmental tests.